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Message From Principal

Principal’s Welcome

Welcome to Island Academy!

I am honoured to be the Principal of Island Academy International School. Our school is such a unique and special place. It is rare that you find an organisation that has students and community members from such a wide range of places, cultures and backgrounds, and I feel privileged to be a part of it. 

Our community is our strongest asset. The students, families, staff and alumni are the heart of the school, and we are proud that visitors always comment on the positive energy and reception they receive when they enter the campus. 

Every single day, I am inspired by our students. In the classroom, they are guided to be critical thinkers, to reflect on different perspectives and to learn by inquiry. Outside of the classroom, our students are developing their performance skills, identifying their passions and advocating for their beliefs. We grasp every opportunity to take the students on field trips to experience and learn about the world around them. 

Our teachers are all experts in their field, and we reflect and review our curriculum at regular intervals. Our school prepares the students for the world they are living in, which means continually updating and amending our practice to ensure we are in line with global standards and practices. We prioritize student mental health, and value a holistic approach to learning. A happy, comfortable child is one that learns!

Students at Island Academy are leaders, from primary school up to the IB programme. Our Student Council brings innovative new ideas and projects to the school each term, and our house system gives students teamwork opportunities allowing them to compete in both sporting and non-sporting arenas on a regular basis.

We love to invite the wider community on to campus to share in the learning and celebrations of the students. Assemblies, concerts, arts productions, sporting competitions and other community events are some things we are always eager to open our doors for. These opportunities provide our students space to build their confidence and public speaking skills, as well as gather experience delivering an event, from marketing to the operation of the sound system! 

Development goals are set annually to ensure we continue to flourish. We are delighted to now offer Physics at IB level, and will continue to extend subject choices at CSEC. In line with the demand of our community, we will gradually be expanding both our student body and our campus. Island Academy continues to work to build partnerships both here in Antigua and Barbuda, and globally through our international IB community. 

I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us; let’s enjoy the journey! 

Executive Principal’s Welcome

Welcome to Island Academy International School.

We have a reputation for operating like a big, extended family, because of the support we provide for our students. After our founding nearly 20 years ago, we have developed into the happy, diligent, and aspirational community—drawn from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds—that you see today. Our school motto of “Unity in Diversity” encapsulates our belief that every individual’s talent should be nurtured to create active, intellectual, 21st century, global citizens.

With our traditional academic curriculum, our young people are challenged and supported in equal measure. Every year, our external examination results are particularly competitive, especially when compared to larger schools in Europe and North America.

Alongside our academic emphasis, we have thriving Arts and Community programmes. We at Island Academy are proud of our annual sold-out drama productions; many of our young people play essential roles in national and international charities; our student councilors consistently demonstrate leadership and democracy in action.

We want our students to reflect on their school days with affection and pride. Our alumni and former staff provide us with considerable positive feedback, recalling with great fondness and appreciation the time they spent with us at Island Academy.

We hope that our website gives you a feel for our school, our success, and our educational philosophy. Please contact us should you require further information on what we consider to be a very special place.