Grade | Per Term for Term 2 and 3 (EC $) | Annual (EC$) |
K | $5,000 | $15,000 |
1,2,3,4,5,6 | $6,000 | $18,000 |
7,8,9 | $6,500 | $19,500 |
10 | $7,500 | $22,500 |
11 | $7,500 | $22,500 |
12(IB) | $10,000 | $30,000 |
13(IB) | $10,000 | $30,000 |
Annual Complete School Pack for All Grades | $300XCD |
Annual Digital Learning Fee for all Grades | $200XCD |
The Complete School Pack covers the following:
Student insurance, selected internationally purchased textbooks, additional to BoE supplies: All textbooks must be returned at the end of the school year. All workbooks become property of the students. A bespoke IA Student agenda, class novels (up to Grade 11), class resources additional to curriculum, STEM resources, ceramics, updates of classroom libraries, music and drama equipment and class sets of additional shared resources like mini whiteboards, dry erase pens etc.
The Digital Learning Fee covers the following:
Annual subscriptions to various online learning platforms and websites. Students are given their log-on details at the start of the year or when they enrol at the school.
Grade 6 will incur an additional $50 for their Grade 6 Revision Pack which includes subject ring binders, and other material required for National Assessment preparation.
Grade 11 will incur an additional $100 for their CXC Past Paper Revision Pack. In November payment will be required to cover CXC exam entries. In January, alongside Term 2 fees G11 will need to pay the graduation fee of $300.
IB – Grade 12 will incur an additional resource fee of $750 that will cover their book rental and resources for the 2-year course.
IB – Grade 13 will need to pay the IB exam fees in November. In January, alongside Term 2 fees G11 will need to pay the graduation fee of $300.
Please note that in Grade 11, teaching classes typically run until mid-May after which students go into examinations. In Grade 13, teaching classes typically run until the end of April after which students go into examinations. Boot camps may be held immediately prior and, in some instances, in between examinations. Families are expected to pay the full term’s fee in both grades.
School fees are due by the following dates:
1st term – August 22nd
2nd term – December 11th
3rd term – April 2nd
Please note that term 1 fees must be paid before the first day of school. Your child will not be allowed to attend classes until the term 1 fees have been paid or an arrangement for installments has been completed.
Tuition can be paid online on this website, via, cash, check, bank transfer/wire and Visa and Mastercard. American Express is not accepted.
If you would like to pay by monthly installments, please note that 25% of the term 1 school fee must be paid before August 24th. The existing balance could be divided over the remaining months.
Please contact Mrs. Jane Jack at 460-1094 to discuss all school fee related issues.
A 15% discount is applicable to the tuition of a third child
You can download the fee schedule for 2024-2025 here.
Student Administrative Requests
For all past and present students administrative applications such as academic reports, transcripts, references, replacement documents etc., all accounts with the school must be settled and in good standing before the request can be processed. Kindly note that some of these requests also incur fees to process.
If you have any questions about tuition, payments, setting up a payment installment plan, for wire instructions, or any other school fee related issue, please contact Jane Jack at 268-460 1094 or